Wednesday, June 9, 2010

John Maynard Keynes

John Maynard Keynes was a British economist who's ideas have affected the theory and practice of modern macroeconomics, a branch of economics that deals with the performance, structure, behavior rand decision-making of the entire economy, be that a national, regional, or the global economy, and economic policies of the government. He used government finance and a process called monetary policy to mitigate the adverse effects of economic recessions and depressions. He wrote various books and articles that helped other people and made him one the most important figures in the entire history of economics.

Keynes believed in what is called today monetarism, he quantity theory of money. During world war 2, a sad 20% of people were unemployed. His major policy view was that the way to stabilize the economy is to stabilize the price level. By doing this the central bank had to lower the interest rate when prices tend to rise and rise them when prices tend to lower. His idea took dramatic change, but due to the high rate of unemployment he started to investigate other causes of Britain's economic problems.The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money was the result. Keynes's General Theory revolutionized the way economics think about economics. His revolution was a pathbreaker for many reasons including, it introduced the notion of aggregate demand as the sum of investment and government spending.

I disagree with him because even though the people in later generations will not have to pay for the debt in a way they will still be paying for those mistakes. There parents will grow up in poverty and less of what they could have and when they are raised they will miss the opportunities to grow in a healthy environment. Behavior that is learned from one generation is passed down to the next through the way they were raised and the way they raise theirchildren. So really he may think he is getting rid of debt and problems but this just will make the people poor causing a chain link effect throughout generations that is harming. In our economy today we are going through some of the same things. Our economy just took a big fall worldwide. Many countries, even super powers are finding themselves in a lot of debt. We could do what Keynes would do and get rid of the debt or we can deal with it now.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

European union

The European Union (EU) is an organization of 25 countries, it's the largest and most powerful common market, with a population of nearly 547,000,000. The EU came out to simplify, economize and modernize the travel and commerce issues between member nations in an effort to better meet the needs of a global economy.It isn't a federation so it doesn't include a flag, anthem, founding date, and currency.

Advantages of the Eu is that it is working to develop common foreign and security policies and to address other issues such as citizens' rights, regional development, and environmental protection. the EU also has increased trade. Since there are no restrictions on the movement of people, capital, goods, and services across nation borders, the common market has facilitated trade among EU countries.

Some disadvantages of the European Union are: Changes in the economy will form new economic patterns and many industries will not be able to compete with lower costs.With free movement of labour and capital, the most skilled workers may get higher benefits and wage weakening the other people in the economy. There can also be a loss of independence in many areas.

Australia and Canada

In Canada there were many affects from the imperialism that took place in Canada on the aboriginal peoples. In Australia there were also many indigenous peoples that were affected by imperialism.

The reason imperialism even started in Australia is because the British would take their prisoners to Australia to be held captive. It would be very hard to escape back to Britain if you were in Austrailia. Especially in those days. They had many similar effects on the Australian and Canadian indigenous peoples.

To be taken from your home and sent away to have assimilations thrust at you was harsh and even harsher to these indigenous children especially because of their age. The children in Canada that were the first nations people also had this happen to them. It's so sad that the people would treat younger children like this. They were so harsh and unkind to the aboriginal children.


A masked Zapatista playing a three string.

A population of 4 million Zapatista people live in the southeastern part of Mexico called Chiapas. Chiapas one of the richest states in Mexico suffering from ineaquality and poverty. 40% of the population in Chiapas suffers from malnutrition. Every year people pay money to travel to give aid to these people by helping with their crops. Zapatista people are described by being left behind in globalization. Most people travelling down there to help with their crops are part of anti-gloabalizationg groups. Most of the Zapatista people are descendants of the Mayan people who were indigenous to South America.

The reason they are so poor is because of the Spanish conquest 500 years ago. They were forced to grow their subsistence crops. The food taken from these crops was not a sufficient amount to feed their families. For centuries these people have been been ignored by a lot of people in the world, including the government. I think if more people were aware of their situation, the Zaptista people would be helped more. The government ignores the saddening statistics of poverty, which no longer can be ignored. More people need to know about the inequality and struggles people and countries are having. The people also need to recognize how inefficient and cruel the government is being, if more people were aware. I think the poverty in other countries would be improved.

Friday, June 4, 2010

World Cup Fiji:.** Soccer rocks!

Go England!!

My favorite sport would have to be soccer. Its so fun and I feel that it is one of the interesting sports to watch and participate in. When playing you feel so good, especially when scoring a goal. The atmosphere is so energetic, exciting, and fun. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and everyone should have fun playing soccer. In my opinion I would much rather kick a ball then bounce one!! :) I'm also excited for the world cup to start. Cheering for England!! Go England Go!!!!! Wahoo!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Quality of life.

Quality of life includes a clean environment, personal safety, political rights, and the right to earn a living. Standard of living is just one aspect of quality of life. Standard of living is a common measure of the quantity and quality of goods and services to which you have access. Standard of living in the dictionary states it is generally measured by standards such as real income per person and poverty rate. Some individuals, countries, and communities have a high standard of living because they can afford to buy the necessities of life. Other people in the poorer countries don't have a high standard of living because they do not have the wealth required to purchase the goods and services that others in the world take granted.

Children in Africa for example don't have a high standard of living. Most people have food, safe water, and shelter; these are some qualities of life they should have. The pictures of the children show their standard of living is very low. Most people with a high standard of living take things for granted. Like most children or people don't finish their meal when african children are looking for a small portion of food somewhere. Water bottles are used for their shoes, when some children want new basketball shoes every month. It's sad to see the people living in a low standard of life.