I don't think it's a big deal that whales are kept in captivity to put on shows for the people. This is how the company makes their money. A lot of the people travel to see whale shows and taking the opportunity. Whales are probably the dumbest animals alive. The only thing that they are good for is entertaining people. They don't deserve to be set free and kill all the other innocent fish. Like what if Nemo had died from a killer whale. That would have changed the whole story. Think of their name. "Killer" whale, I'm pretty sure that their name tells all. Whales should be put in a tank. starved, so they become small. Then they will fit in their small freakin tank. I may sound mean...but i just don't want Nemo to die. Like common...he has a gimpy fin.
K-Sizzle, this has inspired me in many different areas and perspectives of my life. I too love whales and would like to say that the one in the picture is probably related to my great-grandfathers (yes he owned a whale) because it has the same black line under it's eye.