Wednesday, June 9, 2010

John Maynard Keynes

John Maynard Keynes was a British economist who's ideas have affected the theory and practice of modern macroeconomics, a branch of economics that deals with the performance, structure, behavior rand decision-making of the entire economy, be that a national, regional, or the global economy, and economic policies of the government. He used government finance and a process called monetary policy to mitigate the adverse effects of economic recessions and depressions. He wrote various books and articles that helped other people and made him one the most important figures in the entire history of economics.

Keynes believed in what is called today monetarism, he quantity theory of money. During world war 2, a sad 20% of people were unemployed. His major policy view was that the way to stabilize the economy is to stabilize the price level. By doing this the central bank had to lower the interest rate when prices tend to rise and rise them when prices tend to lower. His idea took dramatic change, but due to the high rate of unemployment he started to investigate other causes of Britain's economic problems.The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money was the result. Keynes's General Theory revolutionized the way economics think about economics. His revolution was a pathbreaker for many reasons including, it introduced the notion of aggregate demand as the sum of investment and government spending.

I disagree with him because even though the people in later generations will not have to pay for the debt in a way they will still be paying for those mistakes. There parents will grow up in poverty and less of what they could have and when they are raised they will miss the opportunities to grow in a healthy environment. Behavior that is learned from one generation is passed down to the next through the way they were raised and the way they raise theirchildren. So really he may think he is getting rid of debt and problems but this just will make the people poor causing a chain link effect throughout generations that is harming. In our economy today we are going through some of the same things. Our economy just took a big fall worldwide. Many countries, even super powers are finding themselves in a lot of debt. We could do what Keynes would do and get rid of the debt or we can deal with it now.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

European union

The European Union (EU) is an organization of 25 countries, it's the largest and most powerful common market, with a population of nearly 547,000,000. The EU came out to simplify, economize and modernize the travel and commerce issues between member nations in an effort to better meet the needs of a global economy.It isn't a federation so it doesn't include a flag, anthem, founding date, and currency.

Advantages of the Eu is that it is working to develop common foreign and security policies and to address other issues such as citizens' rights, regional development, and environmental protection. the EU also has increased trade. Since there are no restrictions on the movement of people, capital, goods, and services across nation borders, the common market has facilitated trade among EU countries.

Some disadvantages of the European Union are: Changes in the economy will form new economic patterns and many industries will not be able to compete with lower costs.With free movement of labour and capital, the most skilled workers may get higher benefits and wage weakening the other people in the economy. There can also be a loss of independence in many areas.

Australia and Canada

In Canada there were many affects from the imperialism that took place in Canada on the aboriginal peoples. In Australia there were also many indigenous peoples that were affected by imperialism.

The reason imperialism even started in Australia is because the British would take their prisoners to Australia to be held captive. It would be very hard to escape back to Britain if you were in Austrailia. Especially in those days. They had many similar effects on the Australian and Canadian indigenous peoples.

To be taken from your home and sent away to have assimilations thrust at you was harsh and even harsher to these indigenous children especially because of their age. The children in Canada that were the first nations people also had this happen to them. It's so sad that the people would treat younger children like this. They were so harsh and unkind to the aboriginal children.


A masked Zapatista playing a three string.

A population of 4 million Zapatista people live in the southeastern part of Mexico called Chiapas. Chiapas one of the richest states in Mexico suffering from ineaquality and poverty. 40% of the population in Chiapas suffers from malnutrition. Every year people pay money to travel to give aid to these people by helping with their crops. Zapatista people are described by being left behind in globalization. Most people travelling down there to help with their crops are part of anti-gloabalizationg groups. Most of the Zapatista people are descendants of the Mayan people who were indigenous to South America.

The reason they are so poor is because of the Spanish conquest 500 years ago. They were forced to grow their subsistence crops. The food taken from these crops was not a sufficient amount to feed their families. For centuries these people have been been ignored by a lot of people in the world, including the government. I think if more people were aware of their situation, the Zaptista people would be helped more. The government ignores the saddening statistics of poverty, which no longer can be ignored. More people need to know about the inequality and struggles people and countries are having. The people also need to recognize how inefficient and cruel the government is being, if more people were aware. I think the poverty in other countries would be improved.

Friday, June 4, 2010

World Cup Fiji:.** Soccer rocks!

Go England!!

My favorite sport would have to be soccer. Its so fun and I feel that it is one of the interesting sports to watch and participate in. When playing you feel so good, especially when scoring a goal. The atmosphere is so energetic, exciting, and fun. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and everyone should have fun playing soccer. In my opinion I would much rather kick a ball then bounce one!! :) I'm also excited for the world cup to start. Cheering for England!! Go England Go!!!!! Wahoo!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Quality of life.

Quality of life includes a clean environment, personal safety, political rights, and the right to earn a living. Standard of living is just one aspect of quality of life. Standard of living is a common measure of the quantity and quality of goods and services to which you have access. Standard of living in the dictionary states it is generally measured by standards such as real income per person and poverty rate. Some individuals, countries, and communities have a high standard of living because they can afford to buy the necessities of life. Other people in the poorer countries don't have a high standard of living because they do not have the wealth required to purchase the goods and services that others in the world take granted.

Children in Africa for example don't have a high standard of living. Most people have food, safe water, and shelter; these are some qualities of life they should have. The pictures of the children show their standard of living is very low. Most people with a high standard of living take things for granted. Like most children or people don't finish their meal when african children are looking for a small portion of food somewhere. Water bottles are used for their shoes, when some children want new basketball shoes every month. It's sad to see the people living in a low standard of life.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

.:*.:Oil Development.:**:.


Oil in Canada has been extracted for as long as 149 years. The development has been located in many areas of Canada, but the main area is Alberta. Their reason for extracting oil is to make money and provide the citizens with oil. When the companies extract oil they cause significant linear disturbances to the boreal forest, there is a production of well pads, roads and pipelines, negatively impact species of wildlife that avoid linear features, such as endangered woodland caribou.

  • Shouldn't the farmers have a say in what they do with their resources?
  • Why do they want resource and land development to be our environmental concern?
  • Won't the need for land development require more land?
  • Why can't local plans and tradition values still continue to be the environmental concern?
  • When do they feel they should start this activity of resource and land development?
  • Why do they feel that humans need to eat sparingly?
  • What other things can we do to help the natural environment stay intact?
  • Who are the other people arguing that countries must use the land to exploit their resources?
  • Do the people arguing get to choose what environmental concerns are?
  • Why do they feel exploiting resources is the only way to stay competitive in the global market?

I would not under any circumstances let them drill oil from under our baseball field. Not only is it lucky and we've won in 3 consecutive seasons, but we always have a great crowd. Maybe the crowd is what makes us play so well. If they gave us a new diamond we wouldn't have the same fans and support in a different area. It's kind that they offered us a new diamond and money, but I would feel that we deserve to keep our field that we have always played and won on without the guilt of not giving it up to drill oil. I want to continue playing on our lucky field, I want our fans to be there to watch us, and I want us to continue to win. Giving up our field won't allow any of these things.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Canada and India

The British went into India to take control of the people. They established the British East India Company in 1600. Like the Hudson Bay Company in Canada, the British India Company wanted to start as an association of traders. The company later became a political power and took control over the land, and the people living there known to the British. Mahatma Gandhi pacifist leader confronted the British colonization in India. He quotes, "We hold the civilization that you support to be the reverse of civilization we consider our civilization to be far superior to yours. If you realize this truth, it will be to your advantage and, if you do not, according to you own proverb you should only live in our country in the same manner as we do. We consider your schools and courts to be useless. We want our own ancient schools and courts to be restored. The common language of Indian is not English but Hindi. You should, therefore, learn it. We can hold communication with you only in our national language.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Oka crisis

The conflict for the Oka People was violent and harsh. The canadian government had plans to built a golf course on their land without consulting the Mohawk people who live on that land. The people tried hard to protect their land for many reasons. The Social 10 textbook, Perspectives on Globalization, shares that the people protested plans to to build a golf course on the land, which they claimed was once a burial ground and contained a sacred grove of pine trees planted by their ancestors. I think this is an important aspect for the government not to build a golf course on.

The violence was caused from both groups, the government and the Oka people. The Mohawk barricaded their land which caused the government to take action. On July 11 a SWAT team launched tear gas and concussion grenades to break up the barricades. This action killed Corporal Marcel Lemay of the Surete du Quebec police force.

Week after the SWAT team had killed the police officer Aboriginal groups from across North America joined the Mohawk people to barricade the land. Their blockades caused traffic jams and the RCMP were brought but couldn't control the situation. Many other violence acts caused harm to the environment and reconstruction was needed. The wooden bridge in Cold Lake, Alberta, lead to the Canadian Forces Base was burned by a member of Cold Lake First Nations. Acts like this were solidarity and took place in Canada, like the blockade from the First Nations group.

The premier of quebec invoked a order that would allow him, Robert Bourassa, to deploy the military for the purpose of maintaining law and order. The Mohawk had held out for about a month and couldn't stand it any longer. On September 26 they went in and destroyed the weapons, ceremonially burned tabacco, and they had also walked out of the pines to the reserve. Many of the Mohawks were arrested for this act, but none were convicted.

I think that the government is being way to unfair to the Mohawk and First Nations group. The Lubicon people also are being disrespected and treated unfairly. If the government would communicate with the people maybe the argument would be resolved in a safe, respectful, mature, and common way. I don't know why it's so difficult for the government to realize this, but I hope someday they do.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Me with my baby whale...don't worry he's on a diet:) and then there is NEMO..note the gimpy fin:( the killer seen below did this awful thing to him!

I don't think it's a big deal that whales are kept in captivity to put on shows for the people. This is how the company makes their money. A lot of the people travel to see whale shows and taking the opportunity. Whales are probably the dumbest animals alive. The only thing that they are good for is entertaining people. They don't deserve to be set free and kill all the other innocent fish. Like what if Nemo had died from a killer whale. That would have changed the whole story. Think of their name. "Killer" whale, I'm pretty sure that their name tells all. Whales should be put in a tank. starved, so they become small. Then they will fit in their small freakin tank. I may sound mean...but i just don't want Nemo to die. Like common...he has a gimpy fin.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Canada and India people


20 most basic facts that i think that people should know about Euro-centrism.
-The meaning referred to viewing the world from a European perspective.
-A large part of the reason of Euro-centrism is Europe's Mercantilism.
-The mercantilism made them superior in a way because it helped them accumulate wealth.
-Euro centrism is based on a yearning for national prestige.
-They think that the European world view is superior to all others.
-Euro centrism is a belief by individuals seeking power.
-By being superior they hoped others would follow what they did and change to be like them.
-With them being superior the indigenous people adapted to their ways of life.
-Part of their Euro centrism was they believed that their languages were superior
-Another part was that they believed their customs were Superior
- They also believed that their attitudes were superior to others.
-By trading Europe could increase it's wealth, which in turn increased its prestige. Creating Euro centrism.
-In order to maintain superiority and maintain euro centrism the Europeans did not all colonist to industrialize. This would make them competitors.
-The reason they believed they were superior was because they wanted power.
-Many people felt inferior due to euro centrism.
-Euro centrism is based on a large majority of opinions based in a small area.
-Euro centrism made a divide between first nations people. Some tribes joined with Europe, where as others joined in trading to Quebec (New France).
-The fur trade connected native peoples with the "mother" country Europe.
-The word came to be in the 20Th Century
-Euro centrism is just an idea and opinion. It still exists today but does not carry as great of importance.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Capitalism offers many advantages in our economy today. An increase in wealth is available to the individuals in business. There is a free market where the people are able to sell and compete with their products. This is one of the main points in Capitalism, to allow the people in private ownership to sell their products competitively.

By creating business of their own they are able to make money. Risks are taken, like businesspeople went into money lending and then made money by charging interest. Others financed business enterprises in trade and manufacturing. All these risks they took gave them an advantage and they were able to do this because of Capitalism.

An example of competing was used in our social 10 class. If someone owned all the milk and sold it for a large profit, they would make a lot of money. Then if someone else felt they could make more money and sold more milk for less, people would want to buy the cheaper milk causing the person to make more money. This is a great example of Capitalism because it shows that we are able to compete and sell our own things. This wouldn't be able to happen in a communism government.

In a communism government people are all the same, they are put into a house to fit their family, given a specific amount of groceries to feed their family, and are told how to live. Capitalism offers us to move up in social status. Those who make large amounts of money from their jobs, live in a large house, and have plenty of food are higher in status. Those living on the streets begging for money are lower in the social status. Most of the time this wouldn't be seen in a communist government, but it is an advantage in the Capitalist government because the people are able to be who they want to be. Their able to live where they want, choose what they want, and eat what they want.

Our government offers Capitalism and I'm grateful for it. I started my own business where I make and sell hair accessories. I wouldn't be able to do that if we had a communist government. The communism governments are when the government is in charge and the people are not able to sell their products, I think that those who have Capitalism should be very grateful.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Silk Road

The Silk Road had made a big impact on Europe. Transportation technologies in Europe were very slow and it was often a treat to acquire natural resources. The Silk Road had started to transport many products, and then overtime it had developed extensive trading networks overland and overseas. Another significant change was it soon became possible for merchants, diplomats, and travelers to travel and trade along routes that stretched from many countries. The Silk Road also acted as a communication device.

In the Social 10 textbook it mentions when Europeans would eat oranges, that the orange would be a very special treat. Before the Silk Road natural resources were rare. There wasn't a way to transport food that wasn't native to their country. The desire to acquire the natural resources became into motivation for developing trading networks. This motivation spurred on international trade, which was known in the dictionary as the interchange of raw materials and manufactured goods among distant groups of people. Soon the trading routes developed and went overland and overseas.

The development of the trading route connected many people. The Silk Road was the longest trading network that historians know about and it wended up river valleys, over mountains, and across deserts. By the first century diplomats, merchants, and travelers would trade along routes. Trading posts made possible exchanges, distribution, and storage of goods that were transported with pack animals and riverboats from the traders.

The distribution of so many goods and products made the Silk Road a communication highway. So many people met others of diverse cultures when they would trade over long distances. They didn't only trade but, they would exchange, give gifts, and make the payment of tribute. Knowledge, inventions, and religious beliefs were conducted from place to place. Many cities along the Silk Road route were cultural and artistic centers; people of various ethnic and cultural backgrounds would meet and intermingle along the route.

I think the Silk Road was a good development. The Europeans had a strong advantage from the routes and webbing of it. I also think it's amazing how a route stretched from the west Roman Empire to China in the east. The people must have experienced many new things and enjoyed the intermingling of new people.

Sudan something.

Britain ruled and colonized Sudan in 1881, then 8 years later Britain agreed with Egypt that they would rule Sudan jointly. In the 1920's they separated the peoples and culture of north and south Sudan, this act was called the "closed door." The difference between the two was that the north part of Sudan was Arab descent and the south was African descent. The situation of Sudan changed in 1956 when Sudan gained independence and abandoned the closed door policy that had separated their people. The people were again reunited and the Arab's in the north had the power now. The people believed Sudan was an Arab country and tried to convert the people. These policies led to many tensions that started the civil war. This war led to the population lost of the people in the South. I think if Britain never ruled over Sudan in the first place there would have been strong peace in the land and rectifying wouldn't be needed. Since Britain did rule and the Arab people forced the people away help is needed and I think if the African origin returned to Sudan that would help to rectify their culture back. If everyone helped Sudan to accept back their people and the African people understood and did everything proper, Sudan could be what it was before 1881.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Potlatch Artwork!

The new and improved artwork :)

What is a potlatch?

Aboriginal people gathered for potlatch ceremonies before 1884 when the Canadian government banned potlatches. Potlatch ceremonies were held in many different ways for different reasons. The people holding the potlatch would invite guests to attend their party where they would sing, dance, feast, and more. The people that attended the potlatch would leave with many gifts and foods they received from the host. The host would share these things to show their generosity and wealth, helping to establish or maintain the family's social status.

Usually the hereditary chief practiced the potlatches. They were the people that would give away their possessions and share their wealth. They held potlatches to celebrate births, marriages, puberty, and honoring the deceased. Other chiefs would hold potlatches to conduct family business', provide payments to invited witnesses and to share food and gifts.

In the modern world today we practice potlatches in a similar way. I'll share an example that was mentioned in class to portray the fact that potlatches are used today. If i were to get married and my parents spent thousands of money in preparing my wedding. Thousands of people ate a 5 coarse expensive meal, their was a huge wedding cake, and the wedding was held at a exotic large place. This shows that my family is displaying wealth and trying to establish or maintain the family's social status.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

The Declaration of Rights on the Indigenous people all apply to the Lubicon People. I talked about the Lubicon people in my earlier post and how the Canadadian government is trying to take their oil on their lands. Article 2 from the declaration is Indigenous people and individuals are free and equal to all other peoples and individuals and have the right to be free from any kind of discrimination, in the exercise of their rights, in particular that based on their indigenous origin or identity. I think that the Lubicon people are being taken advantage of because of their skin color. They're black and they aren't very globalized like the world today were we live. Just because they have a different color of skin doesn't mean they aren't equal to the white people. They are different because of their skin, but we don't need to be racist towards them and discriminate them because of their race.

Ariticle 7 has 2 points and I used the second one that mentions Indigenous peoples have the collective right to live in freedom, peace and security as distinct peoples and shall not be subjected to any act of genocide or any other act of violence, including forcibly removing children of the group to another group. This is especially important to the Lubicon people because the government has forced themselves into their lands and taken their oil. This article shows that the Lubicon people have the right to live in peace and security. The government took that away from them and they had suffered. The moose habitat had been disrupted causing the trappers and many other groups to live of off social assistance. This is not the Lubicon people living in freedom, peace, and security at all. The other people and governments need to respect their laws especially the declaration of rights.

Indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories. No relocation shall take place without the free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples concerned and after agreement on just and fair compensation and, where possible, with the option of return. I think that this is an important article because this shows that the government cannot force them out to take their oil. It is their land and they can't be forced to leave because of this article, number 10.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lubicon Land.

When Canada's demand for oil decreased they felt the need to receive oil. They trespassed the Lubicon's property and took oil without permission. This caused disruption the ecosystem and animals and trappers money was decreasing. The relation between the Lubicon representatives and the government of Alberta is very strained because of their history of marginalization. Lubicon protestors met with the corporation representative in March 2005 when they attempted to take their oil. All of these actions are unkind to the Aboriginal people.

I think that it is kind of immature of Canada to violate the human rights of the Lubicon’s. In May and July of 2007 Canada violated the human rights of the Lubicon’s nation. They didn't attempt to take their oil once and violate their rights, but they took their oil twice. This act is not respectful towards the Lubicon’s; people can't just walk all over the aboriginal and steal their oil. I know I wouldn't appreciate it if someone took my stuff without asking.

Canada also caused harm to the ecosystem by taking oil. The trapper’s money dropped from $5000 to $400, more than 10x difference, because the moose habitat had been disrupted. I think that Canada could have put more thought into what they were doing. With the decline in money for the trappers people were unable to continue living traditionally. By the early 1080's, more than 90% of the Lubicon people were relying on social assistance.

The strain between so many people and organizations must be hard on the Lubicon people. They only feel anger towards these people because of their attitude and push to take their oil. I think that the people need to rethink what they are doing to the people and not feel the need to take their oil. Canada can receive oil from many other places.

The Lubicon people need to continue to stay strong and stand for what they believe. Their oil not being taken. Harm is caused to the economy when the oil is taken and people are relying on social assistance because they don't have any money. The people are taking their money away by taking their oil. If they continued to do that the Lubicon people would really struggle with life.

The end.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Secularism in France

I disagree with the government in France. It is inappropriate to hold people against their beliefs and religions. I think that people should be able to show their religion through what clothes they wear, the jewelry they own, and what they may wear on their heads. This is so unkind to the people and i think that they should have the rights to wear what they want and show their religion however they please.

If i weren't aloud to express my religion i think that i would be upset. I think it's important to share the gospel and we express this through our modest clothing, CTR jewelry, and by attending seminary. If this was token away from people in France they would feel the exact same way. Just by simple actions we can show our religion and culture.

People won't be protected from bullying if they don't wear their head wraps, Jewish yarmulke, ect. I think that the people should be able to wear whatever they want and those that are bullying should be punished. They don't need to be discriminated for wrong things other people will do like their culture and religion taken away from them.

The secularism could ruin some people lives forever. People can be haunted from their experience in school and not want to participate in everyday activities because of their fear. The people are so unkind to the students and they shouldn't be expelled or sent to court for their everyday things that they do to show their culture.

Secularism is an unkind act and the government shouldn't be using it against people's beliefs and religions. If the government were to change the people would be way more happier and i think that their would be more respect towards the people. I hope that some day the government will change and the people can show more respect towards the different raced people.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Toyota Chart!

Toyota Vehicles


The highlight of the Olympics for me was the hockey game, Canada vs. United States! It was on all of my television sets at my house on Sunday. We had people over for dinner and they had watched the game with us. My dad was really into the game and would yell when a goal from USA was put into Canada's net. I think everyone was excited and I felt the intenseness of the game from everyone else's feelings. I was cool to watch the game and experience the Men winning a gold metal. Even though it was through television I still feel experienced and happy I was happy to see it!

I think the game was inspiring because of Canada's determination to win. Throughout the game you could see their hard work and effort they had put into the game. I'm grateful that they were able to go this far in Men's hockey for the Olympics. They must have felt so good because they made Canada proud. I'm sure they felt, they've came this far and can't leave without gold. (I know I would if I were in their shoes.)
The Olympics were a fun experience for me. I'm happy Canada was able to do so well in them and succeed in their goals they made. I'm happy Canada beat USA in the hockey game and received gold. Canada received so many gold and made Canada proud. They kicked butt! Go Canada Go!!(Even though the Olympics are over :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Canadian Product

K-sizzle's new product is zebra hair dye! Yes, that's right. Zebra hair dye! For all of you people who want to show off your canadian spirit and be in style zebra hair is your thing. Canada day is coming up so go to and order your Canadian Zebra hair dye now while supply's last! Zebra Hair will change the way canadians feel about their country. When people see your new hair they will know that you love canada and that you love your country. People will follow your stylish example and will get the new hair dye. It is going to be a new revaluation in Canada the world has never seen so many patriotic people in one city. By using zebra we show that we are at peace with the world and that we are open to other animals from different countries. also offers many Canadian hair pieces. Maple leaf clips, Canadian bows, red hair dye, and colorful hair elastics!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Walmart not having unions can benefit and be a disadvantage to others. I think that unionizing Walmart would help it excel and grow, but it is continuing to succeed without it. Other businesses won't hire because of people's looks, age, and symptoms. One thing that Walmart offers is that they hire many people because they can't get a job anywhere else. Walmart probably makes more money because they don't need to pay high like unionized business do and they can change their employers pay because they are a flexible cooperation and can change things besides just their employers pay.

Offering jobs to those who cannot receive jobs anywhere is an advantage for Walmart. In Walmart you see some autistic people, some in wheelchairs, and some older people. Hiring many people with different symptoms can be an advantage in commercial activities because they receive many workers, and they're probably hard working because they finally received a job that they haven't been able to get before.

Walmart not being unionized allows them to change the way they pay the employees and change the price for the employees. Not being unionized also allows them to fire or discharge them from their job at any point they want. Being in a union offers a retirement plan to their workers and Walmart doesn't offer that because they aren't a union. This can be an advantage because they don't offerso many things to their workers. They can make more money because they don't need to offer a lot of money to their workers like those in unions. Walmart can be more in charge and change things up because of their business structure.

Not being unionized makes everybody equal. Everybody working feels equal and is comfortable in their surroundings. Not being unionized would allow you to talk to your manager as a person and friend. In a union the manager would be in a higher class and talking to him/her may feel awkward and uncomfortable. I think that it is important to be comfortable and that your able to be yourself.
I think that it isn't a big deal at all the Walmart isn't unionized. This allows a comfortable and promising job to those who feel inadequate to receive a job. Walmart is important to many people, workers, and the community, some people rely on Walmart to supply for their family, own a house, buy groceries, and gain money from work. I feel that Walmart not being unionized offers those to gain a job when they can't somewhere else.