Walmart not having unions can benefit and be a disadvantage to others. I think that unionizing Walmart would help it excel and grow, but it is continuing to succeed without it. Other businesses won't hire because of people's looks, age, and symptoms. One thing that Walmart offers is that they hire many people because they can't get a job anywhere else. Walmart probably makes more money because they don't need to pay high like unionized business do and they can change their employers pay because they are a flexible cooperation and can change things besides just their employers pay.
Offering jobs to those who cannot receive jobs anywhere is an advantage for Walmart. In Walmart you see some autistic people, some in wheelchairs, and some older people. Hiring many people with different symptoms can be an advantage in commercial activities because they receive many workers, and they're probably hard working because they finally received a job that they haven't been able to get before.
Walmart not being unionized allows them to change the way they pay the employees and change the price for the employees. Not being unionized also allows them to fire or discharge them from their job at any point they want. Being in a union offers a retirement plan to their workers and Walmart doesn't offer that because they aren't a union. This can be an advantage because they don't offerso many things to their workers. They can make more money because they don't need to offer a lot of money to their workers like those in unions. Walmart can be more in charge and change things up because of their business structure.
Not being unionized makes everybody equal. Everybody working feels equal and is comfortable in their surroundings. Not being unionized would allow you to talk to your manager as a person and friend. In a union the manager would be in a higher class and talking to him/her may feel awkward and uncomfortable. I think that it is important to be comfortable and that your able to be yourself.
I think that it isn't a big deal at all the Walmart isn't unionized. This allows a comfortable and promising job to those who feel inadequate to receive a job. Walmart is important to many people, workers, and the community, some people rely on Walmart to supply for their family, own a house, buy groceries, and gain money from work. I feel that Walmart not being unionized offers those to gain a job when they can't somewhere else.
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