Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Canadian Product

K-sizzle's new product is zebra hair dye! Yes, that's right. Zebra hair dye! For all of you people who want to show off your canadian spirit and be in style zebra hair is your thing. Canada day is coming up so go to Canadianhair.com and order your Canadian Zebra hair dye now while supply's last! Zebra Hair will change the way canadians feel about their country. When people see your new hair they will know that you love canada and that you love your country. People will follow your stylish example and will get the new hair dye. It is going to be a new revaluation in Canada the world has never seen so many patriotic people in one city. By using zebra we show that we are at peace with the world and that we are open to other animals from different countries.

Canadainhair.com also offers many Canadian hair pieces. Maple leaf clips, Canadian bows, red hair dye, and colorful hair elastics!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Walmart not having unions can benefit and be a disadvantage to others. I think that unionizing Walmart would help it excel and grow, but it is continuing to succeed without it. Other businesses won't hire because of people's looks, age, and symptoms. One thing that Walmart offers is that they hire many people because they can't get a job anywhere else. Walmart probably makes more money because they don't need to pay high like unionized business do and they can change their employers pay because they are a flexible cooperation and can change things besides just their employers pay.

Offering jobs to those who cannot receive jobs anywhere is an advantage for Walmart. In Walmart you see some autistic people, some in wheelchairs, and some older people. Hiring many people with different symptoms can be an advantage in commercial activities because they receive many workers, and they're probably hard working because they finally received a job that they haven't been able to get before.

Walmart not being unionized allows them to change the way they pay the employees and change the price for the employees. Not being unionized also allows them to fire or discharge them from their job at any point they want. Being in a union offers a retirement plan to their workers and Walmart doesn't offer that because they aren't a union. This can be an advantage because they don't offerso many things to their workers. They can make more money because they don't need to offer a lot of money to their workers like those in unions. Walmart can be more in charge and change things up because of their business structure.

Not being unionized makes everybody equal. Everybody working feels equal and is comfortable in their surroundings. Not being unionized would allow you to talk to your manager as a person and friend. In a union the manager would be in a higher class and talking to him/her may feel awkward and uncomfortable. I think that it is important to be comfortable and that your able to be yourself.
I think that it isn't a big deal at all the Walmart isn't unionized. This allows a comfortable and promising job to those who feel inadequate to receive a job. Walmart is important to many people, workers, and the community, some people rely on Walmart to supply for their family, own a house, buy groceries, and gain money from work. I feel that Walmart not being unionized offers those to gain a job when they can't somewhere else.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Union stuff!

The dictionary states that a union is an organized association of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests. Having unions in work and government benefits us and works against us.

The advantages of unions in work include the strength to negotiate a legally binding contract with your employer including better wages, affordable health care, a secure retirement and a safer workplace. Union workers compared to nonunion workers have way better wages of about 27% higher. Union workers save a lot of money on healthcare because they only have to pay about 43% of the charge unlike nonunion workers who pay the whole amount. The pensions of union workers is 72% and they have a guaranteed retirement. The more union's there are the better everyone is, today there is a battle against the unions where we are all fighting for our jobs, communities, and families.
The disadvantages of the unions today are that they are inflexible. When struggle happens in a business they feel they need to save money by lowering the workers salary, but in a union change cannot be made. Another disadvantage is that members can be fines or disciplined by their union for engaging in activities, that are unbecoming of the union member or which violate the union's constitution and by-laws.

What about the disaster has made the strongest impact on you? What lessons can we learn from the quake in Haiti? What message would you like to send t

The disaster in Haiti has made a big impression on everyone in this world today. Lessons are learned and people are fighting to help those Haitians affected by the earthquake. This earthquake has made me think about my life and impacted me because I become more thankful for everything I have. If an earthquake struck near my home I know how desperate I would be for prayers of others and the help that many people have given to the Haitians. I mentioned to my mom how much money Haiti has been getting and she replied think of how much they need. That's when I learned how much help they need and the struggles they're going through.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


The Biathlon didn't start as a sport, but to the hunters in the Northern part of Europe it was a way of life to put food on the table. The Biathlon is now a sport that requires fast and physically demanding cross-country free technique racing, and the rifle shooting requires accuracy and control. The Biathlon has 10 different competitive events that still require the skiing and shooting like individual start, sprint, relay, and mass start. The events all involve a competitor to race in a course when they come to the 5 targets that are located in a straight line they aim at targets the size as small as a golfball to the size of a grapefruit. If a target is missed, depending on which event they are in, they need to ski another lap or a minute is added to there time for 1 target missed. Again depending which event they're in the winner is determined by the first person who crosses the finish line or the person who has the shortest time.
Some key terms used in the sport Biathlon are the harness, standing, wind flags, and magazine. The harness is a shoulder strap that athletes us to carry their riffles. The shooting position where athletes stand without any support is the standing, the rifle can only come in contact with the athlete's hands, shoulder, cheek, and chest next to the shoulder. Wind flags indicate the wind direction and intensity and the magazine is a device that holds five .22-calibre cartridges for shooting.
Biathletes will train 2 and a half hours at a time up to 13 times a week. Biathletes train for two disciplines. One is marksmanship on the shooting range. The skills of shooting the riffles are unique for every individual. Some athletes have better aim in the prone position while some are more accurate standing. Athletes will focus on the position they need in their training. They mostly focus on their breathing control, relaxation, and ability to focus only on the targets while blocking out everything around them.
The second skill Biathletes require is Nordic skiing, this is when the boot of the heel is not fixed to the ski. Biathletes ski up to 20 km for the men and 15 km for the women. To require this skill they will ski up to 35 km or more in their training sessions.
Sandra Keith is a Biathlon athlete. She is Canadian and has set her sights very high for the olympics in Vancouver. Sandra was a gold medallist for the 2003 European Olympics and had won Canada's first international gold metal since Myriam Bedard's Olympic biathlon gold in 1994.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oh Canada!!!

Canada offers many things to me and I show my pride by standing every morning for the national anthem. This is a big part of why i am proud to be Canadian. The climate of Canada is so enjoyable and I'm proud of this because not a lot of countries have a seasonal climate. Canada offers free health care to everyone in Canada and this makes me proud because I'm able to experience the chance to have free health care.

In Canada were able to experience many different seasons. I enjoy the snow and the fun that were able to have in it. Tobogganing with my friends is something that I look forward to and if I lived in a exotic country I wouldn't be able to experience this fun. The mountains offer us many opportunities to ski and snowboard when there is snow. Were also able to hike in the mountains and see the beauty of this country. I am able to water ski and swim in the summer. Canada has some lakes and dams that we can ski in. The summers are warm and enjoyable and in other countries there summers are to hot to enjoy.

The national anthem makes me a proud canadian. I think that the song is able to show what a great country we really do have. It is our home and native and I'm grateful to live in Canada. I enjoy being able to listen to the national anthem every morning. It allows me to think and understand what a great country we have. I'm sure people located in other countries don't get this opportunity and it shows that the people that do stand and think about our country are proud to be Canadian.

In other countries pregnant mothers have to pay a lot of money to have children. In Canada were able to have children free and when problems go wrong tons of money isn't spent, unlike other countries where the women would have to pay a lot if something went wrong. Health care is free to everyone in Canada and those in the states or other countries don't have the opportunity of the free healthcare. Accidents and medical attention costs money to everyone not in Canada. My family has needed medical attention many times and because of our country we didn't have to pay. That makes me a proud Canadian.

I think that this Country is amazing. Were able to experience many things and we have a safe healthy environment. The climate offers us many opportunities to have fun and experience things with our families. I am able to show how proud I am to be Canadian every morning when I listen to our national anthem. Healthy plans are available to my family and myself that also makes me proud because other people in countries don't have a lot of these things.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Social lalalala

I am a social 10 student!! Whoooo!