Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oh Canada!!!

Canada offers many things to me and I show my pride by standing every morning for the national anthem. This is a big part of why i am proud to be Canadian. The climate of Canada is so enjoyable and I'm proud of this because not a lot of countries have a seasonal climate. Canada offers free health care to everyone in Canada and this makes me proud because I'm able to experience the chance to have free health care.

In Canada were able to experience many different seasons. I enjoy the snow and the fun that were able to have in it. Tobogganing with my friends is something that I look forward to and if I lived in a exotic country I wouldn't be able to experience this fun. The mountains offer us many opportunities to ski and snowboard when there is snow. Were also able to hike in the mountains and see the beauty of this country. I am able to water ski and swim in the summer. Canada has some lakes and dams that we can ski in. The summers are warm and enjoyable and in other countries there summers are to hot to enjoy.

The national anthem makes me a proud canadian. I think that the song is able to show what a great country we really do have. It is our home and native and I'm grateful to live in Canada. I enjoy being able to listen to the national anthem every morning. It allows me to think and understand what a great country we have. I'm sure people located in other countries don't get this opportunity and it shows that the people that do stand and think about our country are proud to be Canadian.

In other countries pregnant mothers have to pay a lot of money to have children. In Canada were able to have children free and when problems go wrong tons of money isn't spent, unlike other countries where the women would have to pay a lot if something went wrong. Health care is free to everyone in Canada and those in the states or other countries don't have the opportunity of the free healthcare. Accidents and medical attention costs money to everyone not in Canada. My family has needed medical attention many times and because of our country we didn't have to pay. That makes me a proud Canadian.

I think that this Country is amazing. Were able to experience many things and we have a safe healthy environment. The climate offers us many opportunities to have fun and experience things with our families. I am able to show how proud I am to be Canadian every morning when I listen to our national anthem. Healthy plans are available to my family and myself that also makes me proud because other people in countries don't have a lot of these things.

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